Trump Rally & The Hansens
2020 Special Session
Covid 19- When the cure is worse than the disease.
"We need to liberate the people and the age categories that are least likely to be impacted while focusing our resources on those most at risk" #KeepNevadaOpen #OpenSchools #HoldHarmless

2015 Ira fights against
the largest tax increase in Nevada history...
"Eighty percent of the voters said no, and we're going to sit here and we're going to say we're smarter than you, we're going to reject what you did in that election cycle, we're going to ramrod down your throats this new, so-called commerce tax? This is disgraceful."
Ira leads the way for parental notification rights in cases of abortions when children are under 18.
Assemblyman Ira Hansen, R-Sparks, the chief sponsor of Assembly Bill 405, told the committee that 38 states already have similar laws and they have had positive outcomes.... Many in the crowd stood and applauded after Hansen's closing testimony"- Reno Gazette-Journal
Ira defends 2nd amendment rights for college campus carry students.
"It was referred to the Assembly Judiciary Committee, which is chaired by Assemblyman Ira Hansen, R-Sparks, who is a strong proponent of the campus carry law. Hansen has referred to "campus carry" as "a hill to die for."- Reno Gazette-Journal
Who is Ira?
What makes Ira unique amongst other elected officials? Come learn why so many support this blue collar, family-oriented state representative.
Ira in the Press
What has Ira been doing for those he represents?
The Issues
Learn about Ira's plans to help tackle the important issues we face in Nevada.